Monday, November 17, 2014

Acceptance and Adaptation Are Necessary! In Life and Business

Acceptance and Adaptation Are Necessary! In Life and Business

To succeed in life, you must accept yourself and adapt yourself. This is a requirement for both success in business and in life. Believing in yourself in also important, but you must have a valid starting point to build success upon. That is, why I feel Acceptance and Adaptation are Necessary!

According to Wikipedia, acceptance is:

Acceptance in human psychology is a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest. The concept is close in meaning to 'acquiescence', derived from the Latin 'acquiÄ“scere' (to find rest in).”

According to, adaptation is:

“1.the act of adapting.
2.the state of being adapted; adjustment.
3.something produced by adapting:an adaptation of a play for television.
  1. any alteration in the structure or function of an organism or any ofits parts that results from natural selection and by which theorganism becomes better fitted to survive and multiply in itsenvironment.
  2. a form or structure modified to fit a changed environment.
  3. the ability of a species to survive in a particular ecological niche,especially because of alterations of  form or behavior brought aboutthrough natural selection.”

So why I am I sharing this with you?

If you have read personal development books and articles, you may believe that with proper thought you can change anything. Thinking realistically, we know that this is not true.

Please give my video a look as well!

An example? I have brown eyes.
The only way to change them would be to install new eyes which sounds really painful even if possible.
I can use colored contact lenses but my eyes are STILL brown.

So, suppose I really feel having blue eyes is an absolute requirement. What then? First, I have to ACCEPT that my eyes are brown. Then, I will have to ADAPT them in order for them to be blue.
Thinking alone will not “turn” my eyes from brown to blue. I have to look at reality and accept it, then, look at ways to adapt circumstances to suit my desires.

Is this a silly example? To me, yes. If I were to wear contacts to change my appearance, I'd choose Vampire Eyes-simply because I've got a weird sense of humor and I'd bet I'd get some strange looks.
Still, I think the idea I'm trying to impart is clear. We DO need a positive frame of mind. We DO need to believe in ourselves. But, we must ACCEPT reality, then, ADAPT reality to enable some changes. But, hey, that is still using our minds, isn't it?

I hope this makes sense to you and is of some use to you. Please share your comments with me! If you think this may be of use to someone else, please share it!

Thanks for reading my post and enjoy your day!


PS: To contact me, you can email me at:

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