Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Walking is Good For You

Walking Is Good For You!

I have recently been trying to get in the habit of walking, and I've succeeded! Now, on days when I CAN'T walk, I feel I'm missing something.  That makes me happy. You see, I'm trying to train myself to take on good habits, such as walking, that become a part of my daily routine.

I've found that walking meets many of my needs because, except for the weather or being ill, you can do it whenever and wherever you are. It really doesn't require any equipment. It can be done along, with friends-or with my dog as I prefer!

I did purchase a VERY simple and inexpensive pedometer and I do keep up with the steps I've taken every day. Rather than as a challenge, it just keeps me consistent. Right now, for this to be a habit, consistency is important.

It seems to work out that I do from 3000 steps up to 10,000 steps each day. I don't keep up with the time that I walk, just the steps. I know if I keep a consistent pace from time to time, and gradually increase my daily steps taken, I'm accomplishing something.

A goal I have is to gradually work myself back into running. I used to run as much as 6 miles each day. I felt good when I was running, but that was a long time ago. Walking enables me to get into shape and try to get back to running. One good thing is that even if running is not feasible for me anymore, I can continue to walk each day and stay healthy.

Personally, I'd love to lose some weight, but for me, that hasn't really happened. I lost some weight when I started walking daily, but it's stabilized and no more weight has come off. That is disappointing, but I know if I continue to eat right and walk consistently, then I'm in better health even if it doesn't show. My heart will know and that is what is important. I'm also hoping that as I gradually increase my daily steps, maybe some weight will come off!

So, I would suggest that you consider taking up walking. Make it a daily habit. I can tell you that it will make you feel better on the inside and outside! Oh, and if you have a dog, you'll find that walking gives you a great opportunity to spend time together. My dog reminds me that we are supposed to walk each day. To me, that is a very good thing. She likes it, too!

Thanks for watching my video and reading this! I'd love to hear fromyou!

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